About Black Piano

Building your remote team should feel easy, exciting and empowering. Going alone is rarely that. You need a partner you can trust. Whose values are aligned to your own. Who care. About you. And your team.

Who are Black Piano?

We’re a UK-based talent partner for small to medium sized businesses. We work with clients in the UK, the United States, South Africa, Australia and across Europe, helping them access and enjoy the benefits of global talent.

Many of our clients are doing this for the first time and need the warmth and support of a caring partner. Our simple, inclusive service has been built to take away the hassle of building a remote team. And we work exclusively with Indian talent… more on that later.

Our story

In 2020, friends and Co-Founders Jonathan McElhatton and Abhishek Maurya sat down and talked about everything that was wrong with the offshoring and outsourcing industry. They landed on a very simple conclusion: people are being paid too little, clients are paying too much, and supplier margins are too high. This had to change.  

Black Piano is that change. Leaving careers in management consulting and technology services behind, the duo founded Black Piano on three core principles. Transparency. Simplicity. And control (in your hands). Leveraging their networks, they started building teams for small to medium sized businesses.  

Unlike many Employer of Record (EOR) companies, Black Piano is not all about exponential headcount growth. Our service is more inclusive. More human. It’s about building true partnership with our clients. 2024 marks the next phase of our story. Come join us.  

Why offshore to India?

India is an amazing country. With a human history going back 55,000 years and as today’s largest single population, India is arguably the most diverse country in the world. Black Piano is proud to work exclusively with Indian talent.  


1.3 billion people
600 million people under 28
English is a primary language
Educated workforce
30+ years in outsourcing


Politically stable
Strong economic growth
Favourable FX rates
Wide-ranging 5G internet
Easy travel to/from India


Global mindset
Service-oriented mentality
Sociable and team-focused
Flexible under deadlines
Polite and professional


Working with Black Piano is different. When people join, they just don’t want to leave. Ever. Our very special culture is friendly, and inclusive and celebrates people, not profits.